The Top Three Blocks to Creative Flow—and How to Break Through to Finish Your Book

If you want to write a book that transforms lives, you must be willing to be transformed by the process.
When you embrace the energy of transformation, you attune to your Higher Self, or your soul: that deepest part of you calling you to courageously step up and birth your creation into the world.
When I was stuck writing my first book, I chalked it up to writer’s block—the convenient excuse we use for externalizing our inability to find clarity and flow in our writing.
But when I decided to look deeper, I saw that the blocks keeping me stuck were rooted within my internal energy.
Understanding Energy Flow
You see, whenever we’re stuck or unable to move forward with a creative project, it helps to understand the nature of energy and how it naturally seeks flow.
Energy is the life force that flows through all things. When we are stuck or blocked, it's our personal energy that is out of alignment with this natural life force energy or universal energy.
In my work as an energy healer and transformational book coach, I invite my clients on a personal journey: going within to balance their energetic systems as they are writing their books. This inner journey is the secret to their success in overcoming obstacles and finishing their books.
When you understand how to work with your energy, you’ll be able to access a state of flow and find more clarity and ease in bringing your book to life.
Understanding how to identify and navigate internal energy blocks is a game-changer in my work transforming aspiring authors into published authors!
When you understand and break through these common energy blocks, you'll be on the way to finding flow and successfully finishing your book.
1. Resistance to Change
When writing my first book, I eventually realized I had been subconsciously resisting the energy of transformation within myself. Becoming a published book author would mean a lot of things that I hadn't fully accepted or processed.
This internal resistance to big change is a common challenge many aspiring authors face, often disguised as something else entirely.
The main obstacle keeping me stuck was procrastination, rooted in limiting beliefs and subconscious fears about what it would mean to be a published book author—some more conscious than others. And they were masked by some pretty logical-sounding thoughts that kept me putting off my writing.
If you desire to write a book yet you keep procrastinating or spinning your wheels, you're not alone! According to Business Insider, only 3 percent of those who want to write a book actually finish a manuscript, and of those only 20 percent go on to get published. But don't let that scare you! When you understand how to overcome your internal obstacles, you'll be much more likely to succeed in finishing your book and getting it into the hands of your readers.
To learn more about overcoming fears and limiting beliefs, read our previous blog, "Three Sneaky Saboteurs Halting Your Book Writing Journey & How to Move Forward.
2. Low Vibes
Western scientists have conducted extensive research over the past century to better understand how energy impacts our lives.
Research has shown that energy vibrates at different rates or frequencies, measured in hertz (Hz), and that positive and negative emotions generate different vibrational frequencies. Positive emotions create high vibes, meaning they are magnetic and uplifting— while negative emotions create low vibes, which can repel or disconnect us from others.
Overwhelm, confusion, and self-doubt are all low-vibe states that keep us stuck from achieving our goals. Do you recall how you felt the last time you were around someone who was stressed out or in a bad mood? As energetic beings we are easily influenced by the energy of others. Emotions can be contagious unless you create strong energetic boundaries.
Because our emotions, thoughts, and words are energy, self-awareness is key as we write. We have the power as authors to uplift and inspire our readers with our writing, but this means we must protect our energy and use tools to consciously elevate our energy as we write.
In-depth research by the HeartMath Institute has shown the connection between emotions and the electromagnetic field generated by the heart. Their findings suggest that positive emotions like love and gratitude create coherent heart rhythms that enhance our health and well-being and connect us to others.
When you become aware of your energy and engage tools to elevate your energetic vibration, such as singing, dancing, or being in nature, you can write from a place of clarity, compassion, and joy, connecting more deeply with your readers to inspire their transformation through your book.
3. Misalignment with Universal Energy Flow
Overthinking, second-guessing, and self-doubt keep us stuck in our heads and out of alignment with the universal energy flow.
Aligning with this universal energy flow is the fastest way to overcome obstacles and find the clarity and momentum to bring your book to life.
The secret is that "flow" only exists in the present moment — not in our busy minds!
To get unstuck and access the energy of flow as you write your book, you must learn how to harmonize your personal energy with the universal energy around you.
Practices like conscious breathing, meditation, and mindfulness help to slow down the overthinking mind and bring you into the present and alignment with the universal energy flow.
Quantum physics takes our understanding of energy even further, helping us see how our thoughts, words, and actions can shape our reality. Studies show that like energy attracts like energy, which is why I am a huge proponent of using visualization to manifest your desires, especially on the book-writing journey. If you are new to visualization, this practice of going within to access inner guidance will likely be profound.
Our dozens of authors have used the power of visualization to gain deeper insight and clarity about their books, ultimately manifesting them in tangible form.
Everything wonderful I’ve manifested in my life in the past decade (including writing two bestselling books) has come from intentionally aligning my energy with my desired outcome and visualizing it on repeat. I had to see what I wanted in my mind and believe it was possible before it became a reality. Creative visualization is a potent practice that anyone can adopt to bring more flow and manifestation magic into their lives.
In my new book, Awaken Into Flow (see link below), I share dozens of writing prompts and guided practices to help you overcome obstacles and consistently and consciously write with flow, so you can finish your transformational book and share your wisdom with the world!
Download a free preview of the book, including writing prompts, at
To your Inner Wisdom,
Catherine Gregory
Co-founder, Modern Wisdom Press
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